This daycare curriculum package offers activities that engages in the infant in activities that aid sensory development, cognitive skills, numbers work, social and emotional skills, craft and colours skills.
Activities like building a 2-layer structure with the baby using building blocks encourages gross and motors skill development.
Engage them with this curriculum package for proper child development.
Give baby 1 block or object of a small size to play with on a table. Replace the object with a bigger one and tell baby, “This is bigger.” Let her play with this for a while. Replace with the smaller one and say “This is smaller.”
Get 3 large plastic bowls or cups. Line them up in front of baby and place a small toy underneath 1 of them while she is looking. Switch the positions of the bowls around. Open the first 2 to reveal that the item is not there. Then let baby open the 3rd one to find object. Celebrate her finding it. Repeat till she loses inter
Place a toy outside the door of classroom or play area while baby is watching. Close the door, open it and pick up the toy to show baby. Repeat but only close door halfway and ask baby to go and bring the toy.
Trace and cut out a large triangle, circle and square from a hard cardboard piece. Let baby play with them as you tell her the name of each object. Keep the cardboard from which you cut out the pieces for future use.
Fill a plastic container with toys, let baby dump them on the floor. Start putting them back in with her help. Encourage her to throw toys out again and pick up by herself.
Fill a plastic container with sand, let baby dump it on the floor. Start putting back the sand in plastic with her help. Encourage her to throw sand out again and put it back in by herself.
Pile some blocks over one another or build a simple structure with baby. Knock them down. Repeat and let her take the lead in building and knocking down objects
Hold a toy and play with it as if it is a a baby. Pretend to rock and feed it. Tell baby what you are doing. Give baby the toy and encourage her to do same.
Throw a ball across the room. Encourage baby to get it. Clap enthusiastically when she does. Try to get her to repeat it. Stop when she loses interest.
Put several light items and toys like stuffed animals in a container on the a smooth part of the floor, say “One, two, three, push,” and then push the container. Repeat the counting and encourage the child to do the pushing.
Make a hole of about 1 inch in diameter at the top of an empty fruit juice container. Show baby how to insert a straw into the box through the hole. Let her take out and insert the straw herself.
Show baby how to open and close a small box e.g match box. Place 3 or 4 small toys in an empty container. Empty them one at a time into another container. Encourage baby to pick up the items one at a time and place into the other container
Let baby play with several containers of different sizes, shapes and textures e.g plastic, cardboard etc. They should all have lids so that she learns how to open and close them.
Sit with baby between your legs, a little distance away but facing a wall. Make sure there is enough distance between you and wall to bounce a ball against it holding baby’s hand. Bounce the ball with baby’s hand as it returns to you. Encourage baby to bounce the wall without your help.
By this time baby should be standing while supporting herself by holding onto furniture and moving from place to place. Encourage her by placing stools or chairs strategically to make her walk while holding on to the furniture.
Get a rod of about 2ft long. Help baby hold onto it. While also holding onto the rod facing baby, move slowly backwards so that baby moves her feet along.
Place a scarf across baby’s chest, bring the ends of the scarf under her armpit to her back. Hold them together behind her. Place a toy in front of her and guide her to walk towards it while you hold on to the scarf to support her.