Toddlers this age can now decide if they want to be patient or not, careful or helpful.

Conscience is being developed so don’t be surprised to catch them deep in thoughts on how they should handle a situation. Get ready to breakout on the sidewalk crayons and chalk as they should be able to scribble now. Toddlers will tend to love songs, rhymes and finger so hesitate to engage them in fun and educative activities.

This preschool curriculum guides you on activities to engage the toddler to develop their cognitive and sensory abilities, fine and gross motor skills, craft and much more.

Package Curriculums

Week One

Week One Activity

Count 1-3


Number 1

Week Two

Week Two Activity




Number 2

Week Three

Week Three Activity


Number 3



Week Four

Week Four Activity


Number 1



Week Five

Week Five Activity


1, 2

and Square

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Tracing 3 & Semi -Circle



Week Seven

Week Seven Activity


Number 4



Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Tracing Numbers

3 & 4,

Triangle and square

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity



semi circle and circle

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Trace 1,2,3

And square

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Play head, shoulder, Trace 1,2,3,4



Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Trace 1,2,3,4,,5 and rectangle

Week One

Week One Activity

ABC song

Colour Letter A

Reading from Picture book:

Things in the class

Week Two

Week Two Activity

ABC song

Colour Letter B

Reading from Picture book:

Things at home

Week Three

Week Three Activity

ABC song

Colour Letter C

Reading from Picture book:


Week Four

Week Four Activity

Trace Letter A

Reading from Picture book:


Week Five

Week Five Activity

Trace Letter B

Reading from Picture book:

Things outside

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Trace Letter C

Reading from Picture book:

Foods we eat

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Trace Letter: ABC

Reading from Picture book:


Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Sound of letter D

Colour D

Scribble B

Which Picture begins with letter A?

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Sound of




Which Picture begins with letter A?

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Sound of b



Which Picture begins with letter B?

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Sound of c


Which Picture begins with letter B?

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Sound of A,B, C?



Which Picture begins with letters A,B, C?

Week One

Week One Activity

Join the dots:

Vertical Lines

Week Two

Week Two Activity

Join the dots:

Horizontal lines

Week Three

Week Three Activity

Join the dots:

Semi circles

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Join the dots:


Week Five

Week Five Activity

Join the dots:

Square shape

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Join the dots:

Right/left diagonal lines

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity


Vertical Lines

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Trace: Horizontal lines

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Trace: semi


Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Trace Circles

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Traces Square shapes

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Trace: Right/left diagonal lines

Week One

Week One Activity

Point to parts of the body and ask child to identify them. Tell her what the parts are used for.

Week Two

Week Two Activity

Answering: What is your name.

How do we take care of our teeth, hair etc. Demonstrate singing “This is the way we brush our teeth, comb our hair” etc

Week Three

Week Three Activity

How to use a Spoon. Encourage the child to use smaller building blocks to build structure.

Week Four

Week Four Activity

How to drink from a Cup.

Start rhyme that the child knows and encourage her to sing along or complete them.

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Uses of Handkerchief.

Read a story with pictures that depict happy, sad, angry etc characters. Emphasize the emotions while reading. Ask infant to pick out various emotions.

Week Six

Week Six Activity

The name of my School is —

Sharing is caring: Talk to child about why its good to share.

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Table manner

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Teach infant different ways to say I love you to mummy, daddy and their siblings.

Such as saying it, hugging them, drawing a heart, doing something nice, singing it e.g.


“ I love you, you love me, we are a happy family”


Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Magic words e.g.:

Thank you


Please etc.

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Magic words eg: Say thank you when you are given


Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

How to take care of our toys & clean up after playing with them.

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Role playing: Doctor, mummy, etc.

Week One

Week One Activity


1) Here are my ears

2) Head Shoulder, Knees and Toes

Red song

Week Two

Week Two Activity

London bridge is falling


Yellow Song

Week Three

Week Three Activity

One Little finger

Blue song

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Rain Rain go away

Green Song

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Pussy Cat Pussy Cat

Orange Song

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Sharing song

Brown Song

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Paw Paw is kind of fruit

Purple Song

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

The wheels on the bus

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Table Manner song

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

This old man, he played one

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Shapes song

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Three little pigs went out one day

Week One

Week One Activity

Red Ball

Week Two

Week Two Activity

Yellow Cup

Week Three

Week Three Activity

Blue Table

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Green Banana

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Orange Mango

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Brown Pencil

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Purple bag

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Red and Yellow circles

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Green and blue squares

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Orange and brown stars

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Purple and pink stars

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

A multi colored picture