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Playtime is also learning time for kids this age, so make sure they have plenty of time to use their motor skills and imagination.
Let the child match up pictures of animals to animals, insects to insects, plants to plants. Let her cut out pictures from a magazine and make a fun collage of her favourite topic. This curriculum contains activities to engage kids this age to aid mental and physical development.
Package Curriculums
Week One
Week One Activity
Count 1-50
Write 1-10
Missing numbers
Week Two
Week Two Activity
Write 11-20
Shape ⃝
Count in 2s 1-20
Week Three
Week Three Activity
Count 1-60
Match same
no 1-20
Count & Circle
correct No
1 2 & 3
Week Four
Week Four Activity
Count in 2s 1-40
Match no
Count & Circle
correct No
1 2,3,4 and 5
Week Five
Week Five Activity
objects of
20-25 Count 1-75
Write 41-50
Shape ∆
Week Six
Week Six Activity
Count in 2s
fill in missing numbers 20-30
Count &
write no of objects
1 2 or 3
Week Seven
Week Seven Activity
fill in missing numbers 30-40
Count 1-80
Square □
Week Eight
Week Eight Activity
Count in 2s
Write 71-80
Missing numbers:
Week Nine
Week Nine Activity
Write 81-90
Missing numbers
Week Ten
Week Ten Activity
Count in 2s 1-100
Write 91-100
Missing numbers
Week Eleven
Week Eleven Activity
Count in 2s 20-40
Write 1-50-
Missing numbers
Count and
Write no of
Objects 4 or 5. Shape rectangle
Week Twelve
Week Twelve Activity
Count in 2s 1-50
Write 50-100
Missing numbers
Shape pentagon
Week One
Week One Activity
Read words beginning with Letters A,B,C and D
Complete the missing words: A &B
Letter Sequencing: cut out a collection of the letters above, put them in a shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order.
Week Two
Week Two Activity
Read words beginning with Letters C &D
Complete the missing words: C &D E, F, G, H
Letter Sequencing: cut out the letters , put them in: C &D E, F, G, H and put them in a
shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order.
Week Three
Week Three Activity
Read words beginning with Letters I,J,K,L
Complete the missing words: E &F
Letter Sequencing: cut out the letters , put them in: I,J,K,L and put them in a
shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order.
Week Four
Week Four Activity
Read words beginning with Letters M,N,O,P
Complete the missing words: G &H
Letter Sequencing: cut out the letters , put them in: M,N,O,P and put them in a
shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order.
Week Five
Week Five Activity
Read words beginning with Letters Q,R,S,T
Join same
Letters: P
Complete the missing words: I &J
Letter Sequencing: cut out the letters , put them in: Q,R,S,T and put them in a
shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order.
Week Six
Week Six Activity
Read words beginning with Letters U,V,W,X.
Reading. Trace
S &T
Complete the missing words: K &L
Letter Sequencing: cut out the letters , put them in: U,V,W,X. and put them in a
shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order.
Week Seven
Week Seven Activity
Read words beginning with Letters Y & Z.
B & c to
Trace U & V
Complete the missing words: M &N
Letter Sequencing: cut out the letters , put them in: Y & Z, put them in a
shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order.
Week Eight
Week Eight Activity
Join same
S, T, U, V
Complete the missing words: O&P
Letter Sequencing: cut out a collection of upper and lower case A,B C & D, F,G put them in a shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order. First the upper case, then the lower case.
Week Nine
Week Nine Activity
c & d to
Trace W
& X
Complete the missing words: Q &R
Letter Sequencing: cut out a collection of upper and lower case H,I,J,K,L,M,N put them in a shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order. First the upper case, then the lower case.
Week Ten
Week Ten Activity
E&F to
Complete the missing words: S&T.
Letter Sequencing: cut out a collection of upper and lower case O,P,Q,R, S, put them in a shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order. First the upper case, then the lower case.
Week Eleven
Week Eleven Activity
Associate X
Complete the missing words: U,V &W.
Letter Sequencing: cut out a collection of T,U,V,W,
upper and lower case
put them in a shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order. First the upper case, then the lower case.
Week Twelve
Week Twelve Activity
Join same letter together
Complete the missing words: X,Y,&Z
Letter Sequencing: cut out a collection of T,U,V,W,
upper and lower case
put them in a shoe box, ask child to pick them out in the right order. First the upper case, then the lower case.
Week One
Week One Activity
Write words beginning with A & B
Writing Practice: Aa, Bb
Week Two
Week Two Activity
Write words beginning with C& D
Writing Practice: Cc, Dc
Week Three
Week Three Activity
Write words beginning with E& F
Writing Practice: Ee, Ff
Week Four
Week Four Activity
Write words beginning with G& H
Writing Practice: Gg, Hh
Week Five
Week Five Activity
Write words beginning with I& J
Writing Practice: Ii,Jj
Week Six
Week Six Activity
Write words beginning with K& L
Writing Practice: Kk, Ll
Week Seven
Week Seven Activity
Write words beginning with M& N
Writing Practice: Mm, Nn
Week Eight
Week Eight Activity
Write words beginning with O& P.
Writing Practice: Oo, Pp
Week Nine
Week Nine Activity
Write words beginning with Q& R
Writing Practice: Qq,Rr
Week Ten
Week Ten Activity
Write words beginning with S& T
Writing Practice: Ss, Tt
Week Eleven
Week Eleven Activity
Write words beginning with U,V& W.
Writing Practice: Uu, Vv, Ww
Week Twelve
Week Twelve Activity
Write words beginning with X,Y& Z
Writing Practice: Xx, Yy, Zz
Week One
Week One Activity
How to take care of my things in school
Week Two
Week Two Activity
How to care of my self. Being
Week Three
Week Three Activity
How to wash my hands after using the potty and before eating.
Week Four
Week Four Activity
Why is it bad to take things that do not belong to us?
Week Five
Week Five Activity
Why we should not play with sharp objects.
Week Six
Week Six Activity
Table manners
Week Seven
Week Seven Activity
Different trades/professions and their tools: e.g
Teacher etc
Week Eight
Week Eight Activity
How to take care of our classroom
Week Nine
Week Nine Activity
How to care care of the environment and why it is important
Week Ten
Week Ten Activity
How to use our words when angry and why it is important. Why fighting is for animals Difference between indoor and outdoor voice.
Week Eleven
Week Eleven Activity
Where do the different foods we eat come from?
Ask pupils where they think different kinds of food come from. Then using a fruit or vegetable as an example, tell them that it needs the soil, the sun, the rain, the farmers, even truck drivers who transport the fruits from the farm to the market and the seller who sell it, etc.
Week Twelve
Week Twelve Activity
How to care for and respect others whether or not they are like us. Use to tell them about different ethnicities, religions etc and why we are all the same and deserving of respect.
Week One
Week One Activity
Difference between light and darkness, day and night.
Week Two
Week Two Activity
moon &
Week Three
Week Three Activity
Planetary system
(Names of the planets)
Week Four
Week Four Activity
Planetary system
(Names of the planets)
Week Five
Week Five Activity
Planetary system
Hot and cold planets
Week Six
Week Six Activity
Fruits around us
Use water colour to paint the small branch of tree
Week Seven
Week Seven Activity
More about dinosaurs
Week Eight
Week Eight Activity
Parts of the
Plant a bean seed and let the infants see it grow over the next few weeks,
Week Nine
Week Nine Activity
Parts of the
Week Ten
Week Ten Activity
Difference between living and non living things
Week Eleven
Week Eleven Activity
Seasons of the year/weather
Plant a bean seed in a transparent cup with the pupils to demonstrate how foods grow.
Week One
Week One Activity
Identify primary
colours; Red,
Yellow &
Week Two
Week Two Activity
Draw and colour a
Week Three
Week Three Activity
Draw and colour a Pencil
Week Four
Week Four Activity
Make and colour the flag of your country with
Week Five
Week Five Activity
Draw and colour different types of Balls
Week Six
Week Six Activity
Draw and colour Oranges
Week Seven
Week Seven Activity
Draw and colour apples
Week Eight
Week Eight Activity
Draw and colour Bananas
Week Nine
Week Nine Activity
Draw a can colour a planet in the solar system
Week Ten
Week Ten Activity
Use Styrofoam (the type used for take away foods) and water colour to make colorful art with the infants.
Week Eleven
Week Eleven Activity
Use water colour to make a rainbow
Week Two
Week Two Activity
Where, where, where are the duckies? (hide and seek song)
Week Three
Week Three Activity
Wheels on the bus go round and round
Week Four
Week Four Activity
Hey diddle, diddle
Week Five
Week Five Activity
One Little finger
Week Six
Week Six Activity
London bridge is falling
Week Eight
Week Eight Activity
Paw Paw is kind of fruit
Week Nine
Week Nine Activity
She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain
Week Ten
Week Ten Activity
It’s a Small World After All
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