The best 3-year-old preschools focus on play and socialization; kids learn by exploring and interacting.

They also gradually learn how to wait their turn, stand in line and follow rules—essential skills that will help throughout their school career. This module encompasses a guide that develops the child’s social abilities

Package Curriculums

Week One

Week One Activity

Count 1-100

Write 1-25


Missing numbers


Week Two

Week Two Activity

Write 25- 50


Count in 2s 1-20


Missing numbers


Week Three

Week Three Activity

Count 1-60

Match objects of same no: 1-30

Count in 2s 1-30

Count & Circle

correct No: 1 -10

Write 50-75

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Count in 2s 1-40

Match objects of the same no: 1-50

Count & Circle

correct No: 11-20

write 75-100

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Count in 2s : 1-60

Add objects of

Equal numbers between: 1-10

Count 1-75

Write 1-50

Shape ∆

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Count in 2s


Write: 1-60

Fill in missing numbers: 1-20

Count &

write no of objects

between 1 and


Pick out objects of unequal number from a group of objects of equal numbers

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Write: 1-70

Fill in missing numbers

Count in 2s: 1-80

Shape Square:□

Subtract objects between 1-10

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Count in 2s


Write 1-80


Missing numbers

Between 1-25

Subtract objects between 1-15

Shape rectangle

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity



Write 1-90


Missing numbers

Between 1-30

Subtract objects between 1-25

Shape Pentagon

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Count in 2s 1-100

Write 1-90


Missing numbers 1-35

Subtract objects between 1-30

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Count in 2s 1-120

Write 1-100


Missing numbers 1-40

Count and

Write no of

Objects 1-15 Shape Circle

Subtract objects between 1-35

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Count in 2s 1-130

Write 1-130


Missing numbers 1-50

Count and

Write no of

Objects 1-20

Subtract objects between 1-40

Week One

Week One Activity

Read words beginning with Letters A,B,C and D

Complete the missing words: A &B

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 2 and 3 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, encourage child to s ay the beginning sound and say what letter makes it.

Week Two

Week Two Activity

Read words beginning with Letters C &D

Complete the missing words: C &D E, F, G, H.

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 2 and 3 letter words in the book,

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, encourage child to s ay the beginning sound and say what letter makes it.

Week Three

Week Three Activity

Read words beginning with Letters I,J,K,L

Complete the missing words: E &F

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 2 and 3 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, encourage child to s ay the beginning sound and say what letter makes it.

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Read words beginning with Letters M,N,O,P

Complete the missing words: G &H

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 2 and 3 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or items(e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, encourage child to s ay the beginning sound and say what letter makes it.

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Read words beginning with Letters Q,R,S,T

Join same

letters in P


Complete the missing words: I &J

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 2 and 3 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, encourage child to s ay the beginning sound and say what letter makes it.

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Read words beginning with Letters U,V,W,X.


Reading. Trace

S &T

Complete the missing words: K &L

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 3 and 4 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items(e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, encourage child to s ay the beginning sound and say what letter makes it.

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Read words beginning with Letters Y & Z.


B & c to


Trace U & V

Complete the missing words: M &N

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 3 and 4 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, encourage child to s ay the beginning sound and say what letter makes it.

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Join same



S, T, U, V

Complete the missing words: O&P

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 3 and 4 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, challenge child, to make a middle or ending sound and identify the appropriate letter.

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity


c & d to


Trace W

& X

Complete the missing words: Q &R

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 3 and 4 letter words in the book.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, challenge child, to make a middle or ending sound and identify the appropriate letter.

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Read to baby from a Associate

E&F to


Complete the missing words: S&T.

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 3 and 4 letter words in the book,

Give child the book and encourage her to read as many words as she can.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these challenge child, to make a middle or ending sound and identify the appropriate letter.

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Associate X



Complete the missing words: U,V &W

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 3 and 4 letter words in the book,

Give child the book and encourage her to read as many words as she can.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these challenge child, to make a middle or ending sound and identify the appropriate letter.

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Join same letter together



Complete the missing words: X,Y,&Z.

Read aloud from age appropriate story picture book while reading, encourage child to look at the picture on the next page to anticipate words in the story. After reading the story once, read the story again encourage child to point at 3 and 4 letter words in the book,

Give child the book and encourage her to read as many words as she can.

Letter-Sound Recognition: show child pictures of various animals or other items (e.g., dogs, cats, elephants, pigs). After showing these, challenge child, to make a middle or ending sound and identify the appropriate letter.

Week One

Week One Activity

Write words beginning with A & B

Writing Practice: Aa, Bb

Join dots in the name of the child

Week Two

Week Two Activity

Write words beginning with C& D

Writing Practice: Cc, Dc

Week Three

Week Three Activity

Write words beginning with E& F

Writing Practice: Ee, Ff

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Write words beginning with G& H

Writing Practice: Gg, Hh

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Write words beginning with I& J

Writing Practice: Ii,Jj

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Write words beginning with K& L

Writing Practice: Kk, Ll

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Write words beginning with M& N

Writing Practice: Mm, Nn

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Write words beginning with O& P.

Writing Practice: Oo, Pp

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Write words beginning with Q& R

Writing Practice: Qq,Rr

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Write words beginning with S& T

Writing Practice: Ss, Tt

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Write words beginning with U,V& W.

Writing Practice: Uu, Vv, Ww

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Write words beginning with X,Y& Z

Writing Practice: Xx, Yy, Zz

Week One

Week One Activity

How to take care of my things in school

Using pictures of roads, clouds, railroad, and oceans, use toy models of car, bus, airplane, train and boat to explain different modes of transportation and the vehicles used for each type of transportation.

Week Two

Week Two Activity

How to care of my self.

Friendship: how to be a good friend.

Using two stuffed toys, act out a scene involving good friends. Have one character in the skit fall down and get hurt. Ask students to share what a good friend should do to help. Using the other stuffed toy, show how a good friend helps their friends when they get hurt. Helping could also mean using comforting words, getting a grown-up to help, or getting plaster/ Band-Aids.

Week Three

Week Three Activity

How to wash my hands after using the potty and before eating.

Explain to infants about:

Yesterday (Past), Today (Present) and Tomorrow (future):

Tell the pupils to think about something that happened yesterday, explain that is the past. Ask them what they are doing today and use it to explain the present.

Ask them to think about what might happen tomorrow which is the future, Some prompting questions might be: will you come to school tomorrow? What will you do when you get here?

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Why is it bad to take things that do not belong to us?

Use 2 stuffed toys to demonstrate how one hurts the other when it takes away its things. Also use the opportunity to illustrate how to ask to share toys nicely and about sharing.

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Why we should not play with sharp objects.

Tell pupils a story using either Ajapa (the tortoise) or Ananse (the Spider) to illustrate. Ajapa was once given two sets of seeds to plant after a famine in the land. He was told that one set of seeds will grow into trees that had fruits of hatred, greed, anger, and jealousy. The other set of seeds will grow into trees with fruits of kindness, peace, love, and generosity. Ajapa was confused about which seeds to plant. When he got home, he asked his wife what he should do. She advised him to only plant the seeds that will grow kindness, peace, love and generosity. But because Tortoise wanted to grow rich quickly, he decided to plant the 2 sets of seeds. He instructed his wife to make sure she waters both of them every day. But she only watered one set of seeds daily. Ask pupils which seeds they think grew quickly? Guide students by reminding them that it is only the set of seeds watered daily that will grow. Explain to them that inside each of us are good and naughty seeds of emotion like the Tortoise’s seeds and whether we are good or naughty, depends on the sets of seeds that we choose to water and help grow.

Encourage students to come up with a list of things to do so as to help the good seeds grow in us.

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Table manners.

How to use our words when angry and why it is important. Difference between indoor and outdoor voice. How people who fight are like animals because they don’t use their words or try and control their temper.

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Listening when others are talking. Why is it important to know how to listen?

Why it is rude to interrupt when others are talking.

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

How to take care of our classroom.

How to take care of the environment and why it is important.

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Who is a hero?

What does being a hero mean?

Explain that a hero is a person who is admired for their bravery, and for the way that they help others. They help keep us safe, healthy, and happy. Ask the pupils to mention some heroes that they know or have heard of. Help add to the list. Explain why you think the people on your list are heroes. Then ask them why they think the people they mentioned are heroes

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

What is a community?

Explain that it is a gathering of people in a class, school, home, neighborhood etc. where people work or live

How to be a good member of the community.

Explain that in every community, sometimes there are disagreements. Some one might make us angry by doing things that we do not like. Ask pupils what they would do if someone made them angry or sad. Listen and either encourage them or explain why their response might cause more problems. Tell them that when we feel upset by what others have done, before saying something or doing something to retaliate, we should stop and take a few deep breaths (demonstrate and ask them to practice taking deep breaths). Explain that doing this will help calm us down. Ask pupils to say things that others in the group might have done to upset or make them angry in the past. Then explain what they could have done after taking a few deep breaths. For instance, instead of pushing back, they could calmly explain to the person who has pushed them, thereby giving the person a chance to say sorry instead of pushing back. Let them know that they can always come to you as their care giver in school or other adults at home to help resolve issues instead of retaliating.

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Being mindful of others. How to care for and respect others whether or not they are like us. Explain various kinds of differences: boy/girl, religious, ethnicity, skin colour.. Explain how we are all alike inside no matter what we look like outside our bodies. Explain that mindfulness means paying attention to ourselves, others and what is happening around us. Being mindful of others means paying attention to them, listening without interrupting them when they are talking to us. Showing affection when others are hurt. Being helpful when we can or getting others to help them when we cannot etc. Treating everybody equally, the way we would like to be treated irrespective of what they look like, where they are from or their religion. Ask them to think of others ways of being mindful of others.

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

It is also important to be mindful of things around us. Explain that this means paying attention and noticing things around us. Ask them to look around the classroom and tell you what they notice. Ask them what they used to notice the things that they mention. Most of the things they mention will be things they see. Explain that they can also notice things through hearing, touching and smelling. Explain that it is important to be mindful of things around us because it helps keep us safe. When we hear a loud noise or smell something bad it might mean danger and we should call the attention of adults.

Week One

Week One Activity

Difference between light and darkness, day and night.

Week Two

Week Two Activity


moon &


Week Three

Week Three Activity

Planetary system

(Names of the planets)

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Fruits around us

Fruits and their season

Week Five

Week Five Activity

More about dinosaurs

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Plant a fast growing flower or vegetable in a pot. And leave it by the window of the class. Let students take turns in watering and taking care of it as they observe it grow.

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Draw an empty circle and ask pupils to add and name the various parts of the head.

Draw a human body (torso) without Parts of the body and ask student to add and name the parts of the Body

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Parts of a tree.

Use water colour to paint the small branch of tree

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Difference between living and non living things

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Seasons of the year/weather

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Life cycle of insects

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

The different senses and the parts of the body that we use to sense

Week One

Week One Activity

Identify primary

colors; Red,

Yellow &


Draw and colour a rainbow

Week Two

Week Two Activity

Trace and colour a

A table

Week Three

Week Three Activity

Draw and colour flower

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Trace and colour a chair

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Draw and colour the flag of your country

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Work with number 1. Draw and colour a dog

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

Draw and colour a pawpaw

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

Draw and colour Bananas

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

Draw a can colour a Book of the solar system

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

Use water colour to paint

a tree

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Use sand, colour and adhesive to make colorful art with the infants.

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

Trace and colour a guitar,

flute, guitar

& trumpet

Week One

Week One Activity

Once I caught a fish alive

Week Two

Week Two Activity

Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet

Week Three

Week Three Activity

Teach baby to clap by The grand old Duke of York

Week Four

Week Four Activity

Hey diddle, diddle

Week Five

Week Five Activity

Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be?

Week Six

Week Six Activity

Oh My Darling, Clementine

Week Seven

Week Seven Activity

You Are My Sunshine

Week Eight

Week Eight Activity

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

Week Nine

Week Nine Activity

She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain

Week Ten

Week Ten Activity

It’s a Small World After All

This Little Light of Mine

Week Eleven

Week Eleven Activity

Days of the week song

Week Twelve

Week Twelve Activity

I had a little pony