Week One Activity
Hold baby close. Make eye contact.
Learn baby’s habits & Communication signs.
Hold hands with baby. It is important for baby to get to know and become comfortable with the career.
Tie a string to a toy and partially hide it under a cushion, pillow or blanket. Lift off the concealing object to show baby the object. Cover again and pull the string so that part of the object appears. Increase the portion revealed gradually. Cover object and encourage baby to reveal it.
Also pull the toy around the floor using the string. Let baby do the same.
Week Two Activity
Give baby 1 block or object of a small size to play with on a table. Replace the object with a bigger one and tell baby” This is bigger.” Let her play with this for a while. Replace with the smaller one and say “ This is smaller.”
Let baby play with different coloured balls with different textures. Teach baby by throwing, rolling, dropping and bouncing balls.
With baby sitting facing you, cover your face with your hands and say peek a boo! As you remove your hands. Cover her face and do the same. Repeat till she is bored.
Sit with baby sitting facing you, in the space between the 2 of you, hide a toy which makes sound behind two cardboard boxes or other light objects while it is still making noise. Bring out the toy to show baby by moving the 2 boxes/objects apart. Hide it again and let baby find the toy.
Week Three Activity
Put a toy inside a colorful empty shoe box or cardboard box. Open the box and take the toy out. Encourage baby to do the same. Clap your hands when baby does the same.
Place toys away from baby and encourage movement as the baby reaches for the toys.
Give baby 2 toys to hold in each hand and then offer a third one to encourage baby to figure out how to hold all 3.
Sitting with baby facing you, hold a soft toy, high above baby’s head. As baby raises head to follow object, drop it onto the floor. Pick up again and repeat so that baby knows to look for it on the floor when it drops. Let baby find and pick the object up as the game progresses
Week Four Activity
Place the shoe box or carton used in week 2 on the floor. Throw one toy at a time into it. Encourage baby to do the same.
Clap when toy enters the box.
Use different squeeze toys and rattles to make different sounds. Encourage baby to do the same.
Week Five Activity
Teach baby the difference between black and white by placing different white and black items in a container. As you pick out each item, say the colours as you separate them into 2 piles. Repeat several times.
Show baby different parts of the body as you name them.
Mirror Reflection Activities; Let baby look at herself in the mirror. Name the different body parts as you both stand in front of the mirror.
Week Six Activity
Tracking Activities:
Put a ball under a table that is covered with a table cloth. Raise the table cloth up to reveal to baby that it is under the table. Cover the ball under the table again and encourage baby to find it.
Also, place baby on your lap, slowly move a rattle while shaking it from side to side to encourage baby to follow it by moving her head.
Week Seven Activity
Guide the child’s hands to identify different body parts. Tell baby what each part is used for as you touch it.
Introduce baby to large building blocks. Guide baby to stack blocks into different basic shapes
Week Eight Activity
Teach baby difference between hot and cold by placing a cold can or bottle in front of baby. Touch it and quickly and say cold. Encourage baby to do same and say cold immediately baby touches it. Do the same with an object that is hot but safe to touch e.g hot feeding bottle.
Week Nine Activity
Teach baby to poke and pinch play dough. Also teach her to manipulate the dough by pulling, stretching and breaking it. Mould dough into simple shapes and encourage baby to do the same.
Let baby also play with a piece of paper by rumpling it and crushing it into a ball.
Week Ten Activity
Show baby several objects that are colour red and blue. Show her each of the red items telling her the color. Do the same with the blue items. Then separate them into 2 groups. Mix them and let bay try and separate them.
Week Eleven Activity
Repeat exercise from week 10 using red, blue and yellow.
Show baby each of the colours in a book. Also show her several items around the class with these colours,
Week Twelve Activity
Use your fingers and hands to make simple shadow puppets for baby. Encourage baby to try and move her hands and fingers too.
Also, hide a favorite toy inside a box while baby is watching and let baby find it.
Show baby how to wave bye-bye and high 5.
Also show different facial expressions.
Read to baby from a simple picture book. Point to images in the book as you read.
Read to baby from a simple picture book. Point to images in the book as you read.