Best Bedtime Stories for Children

Visit and immerse yourself and your children with these bedtime stories and more.

Are you looking for your next adventure for your children? Look no further, explore our curated selection of must-read bedtime stories.
See our curated list of best bedtime stories below:

1. Narcissus, the Conceited Fool

A boy named Narcissus was famous for his handsome face. He was so proud of his looks that he didn’t care about others.
Narcissus, the Conceited Fool

A boy named Narcissus was famous for his handsome face. He was so proud of his looks that he didn’t care about others. But what happens when he sees an image of himself for the first time and can’t look away? Read this story to find out about Narcissus and a lesson about vanity.

2. Ayan, The Masked Drummer

A gifted drummer named Ayan, who inherited his talent from his parents, becomes the target of a jealous magician.
Ayan, The Masked Drummer

A gifted drummer named Ayan, who inherited his talent from his parents, becomes the target of a jealous magician. Why did Ayan become known as the masked drummer? Find out more about AYAN in this story.

READ ALSO: 10 African Stories Every Parent Should Share with Their Children

3. Why Do Bats Fly at Night?

Since bats have wings and can fly like birds, why then do they fly only at night?
Why Do Bats Fly at Night?

Since bats have wings and can fly like birds, why then do they fly only at night?
The bat who thought it was the luckiest animal because it was the only mammal who could fly. But, when a war broke out between the flying and land animals, the bat couldn’t choose a side. It kept switching back and forth. So how did the sly bat end up only flying at night?

SEE ALSO: Nap Time Tips for Preschool Teachers

4. The Foolish Man with the Coconuts

Have you ever heard the saying ‘SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE’? What does it really mean? Find out in the ‘THE FOOLISH MAN WITH THE COCONUTS.
The Foolish Man with the Coconuts

Have you ever heard the saying ‘SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE’? What does it really mean? Find out in the ‘THE FOOLISH MAN WITH THE COCONUTS.

Visit Sankofa Short Bedtime Stories and immerse yourself and your children with these bedtime stories and more.

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